李永乐 数学讲师
Directions: Translate the following abbreviations, terminology, words or underlined words into their target languages respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each.
1. 不可再生资源
2. 泡沫经济
3. 通货紧缩
4. 财政赤字
5. 参政议政
6. 人才流失
7. 扶贫
8. 春蕾计划
9. 按揭贷款
10. 网民
11. 用户在技术交流时,向贵方专家提出了许多问题。
12. 中国的经济是一个大问题,各级导务必优先考虑。
13. 一座大厦如果有了白蚁,不加防治,不到十年时间,里面的地板就会被蛀蚀一空。
14. 我们要有一个农、林、牧、副、渔布局合理,全面发展,能够满足人民生活和工业发展需要的发达的农业。
15. EU
16. IMF
17. APEC
18. YOG
19. FIFA
20. ISBN
21. sovereign credit rating
22. webcasting
23. no smoke without fire
24. look for a needle in a haystack
25. In the negative, right and left, and black and white are reversed.
26. Last December, Washington Post first reported that investigations were being made in each of the cities, but officials refused to confirm the story.
27. Slowly, Apollo Ⅱ began to rise. The sound of the liftoff overwhelmed the screams of millions of spectators, many of whom now called in unison, "Go! Go! Go! Go!"
28. I had been overwhelmed by her beauty and her smile.
29. She tried to right her husband from the charge of bribery.
Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target languages respectively. If the source text is in English, its target languages is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target languages is English.
1. When scientists evaluate the connection between tornadoes and climate change, there are two big questions they"re asking: First, are the 2011 tornadoes part of a trend? Has tornado activity changed along with rising global temperatures so far? Second, scientists ask whether the factors that create tornadoes have been affected by climate change and whether those factors are likely to be affected in the future.
For one thing, our data on tornado trends are imperfect. At first glance, you might think the number of tornadoes has increased since the 1990s. But most of that is actually the result of more public awareness and better reporting and technology, improving our ability to spot smaller, weaker tornadoes and to notice tornadoes in places where few people live. Bad datum means that we can"t reliably say whether tornado counts are increasing.
There are many things that can affect the factors that make tornadoes more likely. Scientists have found that climate change is something that can affect tornado conditions. But when they looked at data for the past 30 years" worth of Aprils in the Mississippi Valley, they don"t see evidence of any trends that would mean tornado weather is already becoming more frequent.
Because of that, it would be problematic to claim that the recent spate of tornadoes in the Southeast was caused by climate change. But that"s not the same as saying tornadoes can"t be caused by climate change. It"s not the same as saying that climate change isn"t a contributing factor. Or that tornadoes won"t be caused by climate change in the future. It"s not even the same as saying that, years from now, with better data and technology, we won"t look back and see a trend happening that isn"t obvious today. The big question—are tornadoes caused by climate change?—is made up of lots of little questions. And we don"t know all the answers to the little questions yet.
2. 有时候,在工作中重要的是能否处理好人际关系而不是有多大的才能。人际关系就是一种善于听取别人意见、体察别人的需要、虚心接受批评的能力。善于处理人际关系的人敢于承认错误,敢于承担自己的责任,这是对待错误的一种成熟和负责任的态度。因为他们很注意处理各方面的关系,所以八面玲珑,到处有缘。而人际关系差的人往往不能处理好批评。碰到错误,他们首先想到自己,拒不承认自己有错,或情绪低落,或大发雷霆。